Penol De Luxe 1936 - 1942
The De Luxe line was intended to signalise luxury. In order to do that it came with a two coloured nib as one could find in the contemporary Montblanc pens, among others. To the left you can see a 'close' close-up of one of these two coloured nibs.
I think it is a very attractive line of pens!
The De Luxe was offered in 5 different sizes:
0 slender pen - short
0 slender pen - stadard
A0 small model or ladies' model
B0 standard
C0 senior size pen
The De Luxe line was also offered in an array of different colours. Unfortunately, some variants are missing in my collection, but in this page you can see the following colours:
grey marbled
green marbled
red marbled

Three different nibs from the De Luxe line. Note the difference in nib design in the picture below. The division between gold and platinum is a straight line in the nib to the right.

Five pens in different colours but all the same size: C0 or Senior.

Coral and black caps in different sizes