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The Ambassador Series 1942 - 1948

The Ambassador line belongs to the centre of the Penol production, along with the De Luxe and the 8Ks. You could divide the entire Ambassador Series into 3 parts:

1) The Ambassador Series 'as such'

2) The Ambassador No 5

3) The Ambassador Scout


The Ambassador series 'as such' consists of pens in 3 (or 4) different sizes:

The Senior (the biggest pen)

The Special (more slender than the Senior but same length or even longer)

The Junior (the smaller pen).

This Series was produced from 1942 until 1947.


Now to complicate things a bit, you can subdivide the Ambassadors 'as such' into 3 subcategories:

1) The first series runs from 1942 to 1943. It is characterised by a one-piece cap and the feed is usually of the ski-slope style. It has 3 cap bands. It also has an ink-window.

2) The second series runs from 1943 until 1946 and it is characterised by a two-part cap and a modernized feed. It has 3 cap bands. The ink-window is still there.

3) The last, and rather short-lived type, was probably produced only in 1947. It only has one thin cap band and the body is now solid (no ink-window).


As you can tell from the nomenclature used, it is directly inspired by Parker


The Ambassador N0 5 is a slightly redesigned Special sized pen, but where the 'as such' series comes with an ink-window and both as piston-fillers and 'sack-fillers' (button filler) the No 5 is alway a sac-filler and the body is solid.


The Ambassador Scout was probably produced only in 1947 - 1948. It is very different in design compared to the other two series and it has most likely been marketed as as junior's pen or the like. The clip design is also completely different. 


Above you can see how the imprint is designed. It says PENOL, the anchor symbol is placed to right of the brand name, and underneath you find the name of the Series: Ambassador. Then you see the seize denomination; in this case: Senior. Below the seize you find a three digit number. The numbers indicate the month and year of production. Thus, the black pen was produced in July 1942, and the green paint brush in January 1947. Occasionally, you find pens with to date numbers. the second number probably indicates a date for a guaranty reparation.


The picture below shows the size selection of the Ambassador pen. First you find the Senior, then a long Special, a standard Special and finally a Junior. Note that the Junior has only two cap bands compared to three in the other sizes. 


Green paint brush Senior first series.


Below a size comparison between a Senior cap from the third series (only one cap band) and a Flat Top Parker Duofold (around 1928). As you can tell, the Ambassador cap is a tad longer and a slight bit more slender.


Below a green marbled Senior from the third series. Further below a close-up of part of the cap just to show you how wonderful the colour is!


Ambassador 'as such', first series:

A few pics of the classic black Ambassador Senior from det first series with one-piece cap and ski-slope feed. Note the blue ring colour on the cap fastener. It often wears of, but it's a nice signal, when it's there.


Below two caps. The black cap is a one-piece cap from the first series, and green swirl is a two part cap from the second series


Below two caps from the third series


Below a selection of first and second series Ambassadors photographed through glass (an ice cooler, should you be interested to know). Note alternative cap ending and clip on the yellow and gold swirl. It's a perfect fit, so I think it might be an experimental design - or the work of an extremely skilled repairman. The grey paint brush is a Junior.

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